Saturday, October 30, 2010

How To Get The Pixie Hair On Poptropica

Want freedom? Read!

Today trumpets can watch on TV what you want when you want as if the books did the same thing for centuries.
The new on-demand television only for the planet. Gutenberg invented it in 1455. Well before Murdoch.

It examines the news stories, for example.
A news content is a sequence with a summary. A news item of interest would come only after this that may not be interested but that is spat out, tack, recited. Your only option is to change the channel or turn the volume down. In both cases, the time element will unchanged. will need to wait and respect the decisions of those who have decided that sequence of news before what issues may come to you.
The same goes for radio.
You can not do anything. You are imprisoned. Do not have a real choice for use .

In a newspaper instead of the unique sequence is apparent from the order date news on the basis of their importance, which can be broken at any time with a jump of more than one page at a time.
The same is true internet.

Books and the Internet give value to the content. In television and radio content is subject to the rigidity of time.

bring everything into the fascinating world of metaphors, where TV and radio have a train ride on cars number on a path all the same to predetermined stopping, print and internet are a trip car in which the only limit is given by the vastness of the world: the number of pages for a newspaper, the expanse of websites and internet applications.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

How To Use Front Camera On Nokia 6288

China is here! The South also, and Wikileaks as well. With a dash of Confucius. Hypocrisy

the Italian south, China and Wikileaks have the same bonds that can generate the 'butterfly effect in the theory of chaos in a mathematical model. In this case the model is a socio-economic: that simplification would express as the consequence of political and social factors that effect it generates another up to the present.

Over the past two years the South Italy has lost 20% of the value added of the industrial sector generating 100,000 unemployed , and while the mayors and regions this summer complaining about the cuts of the Stability Pact and the Governor Raffaele Lombardo asked today to the State a tax at 0% it turns out that from 2007 to 2013 in South Italy spent only 3.6 billion euro on the European funds allocated through 44.
observing a larger whole, in the last 10 years, Italy has lost 30 percentage points in productivity than in Germany.

While in our country we have lost months in 2010 with political strife and fratricidal praises legal in a single quarter of 2009, from February to April, China has completely revised its economic policy.
Noting that their financial transactions were concentrated on exports with a considerable difficulty in the American nation, China has made it easier: diverted exports within Asia, negotiating raw materials they could provide their neighbors with a lowering of customs barriers, regardless of political color of the countries.
Action in a Western country that would take 18 to 24 months at least.
As China grew, Italy is watching or When he moves, he was mostly unable to deploy a management team ready for the Asian mentality (apart from sporadic cases) and failing to deploy multi-national powers like Germany or France.
Of the 42 billion dollars in food imported from China, only 0.3% is the portion belonging to Italy. And I'm talking about an area where the Bel Paese is the prince in the popular imagination.
The paradox is if you look at the Chinese interest aroused by the Italian Pavilion at Expo 2010 in Shanghai. The turnout has surprised analysts, demonstrating that China would take, but we do nothing to make us love each other. Ie Italy do not have a system that spalleggia our excellence in the market.

I will be objected that China has strong ground investments of the totalitarian regime contemptuous of the most basic human rights.

It is there that I wanted to go.
The truth lies somewhere in between.

If it is clear that the atrocities in Tibet and the controversy over the Nobel Prize for Peace to Liu Xiaobo would horrify any Western country, it is equally clear that one should consider the Confucian civilization from which the Eastern nations.
The Confucian school is less metaphysical and a lot of ground.
If the Aristotelian Western privileges the identity of the individual, the Confucian emphasis on the community.
If "our" errors are reflected in sins source metaphysics (religion), "their" manifest themselves with shame : acts that do not comply with Community requirements (ethics).
If it is impossible for Westerners to contextualize a market ruled by an authoritarian regime, the power of Chinese (and Japanese from the 50 to 90) bases its strength sull'autocrazia own.

Paradoxically we are embarrassed to challenge their choice placing our democratic model as an example, if the same model has created a financial market that has produced the crisis of the new millennium , and is cheating, with revelations about the war in the Middle East by Wikileaks, a democracy so perfect that claim to be exported: the United States.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Aching Pain Lower Left Abdomen

Platymeris bigutatus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum
: Artrhopoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hemiptera
Heteroptera Family: Reduviidae
Subfamily: Reduviinae
Genre: Platymeris
Species: Platymeris biguttata (Linne, 1767))

This species is widespread in eastern Africa.
reaches the adult stage in 4 / 5 months, going through 5 mute, after another 30 days also reached sexual maturity, the adult stage can live more than a year in which the female lays about a hundred eggs.

The larvae are about 4 mm at birth and are a bright red color, due dall'esoscheletro not yet dry, this will happen after any changes, but with the passing of the hours This takes on more and more its final color, the whole body is black except the femora that are colored yellow, the adult stage in front of the wings (not suitable for the flight) will have 2 white spots.

farming is feasible within display cases are tied together and to ensure good air circulation, do not require much space, and can live with, although there are frequent cases of cannibalism among samples of very different size.
The case can be fitted very easily as they do not tend to dig and move objects, a sand bed is essential to lay their eggs.
The case must be maintained at a high temperature medium (23/28 degrees) and do not require much moisture, it is recommended a weekly spray.

The eggs will be incubated at high temperature (28 degrees) with plenty of moisture, these parameters will hatch in about 30 days at a rate of almost 90%

This species is carnivorous, then we can use as a feed any prey alive, even larger than our specimen, belonging to the larvae that prey need not exceed half of their body.

Platymeris is not suitable for minors as a species are poisonous, capable of injecting venom with their beak or spray at a distance also 5 cm, even if the poison is not dangerous to humans.
John S. Edwards studied their venom.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

What Does A Moderate Bilirubin Mean


Everyone always says what they think, except when they speak with you.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Rate Of Return Of An Annuity Formula

a nutshell the ocean has an anchor

Time is a close friend of indifference, and hatred and love remain at a safe distance.
You can not forget someone you love or hate, but that is only when these feelings reach extreme boundaries.
If love is love and hate is unbearable, the weather puts a hand on their shoulder, you do well and will add other friends to his eternal flow.
friends that will be forgotten in the street.
For same reason there is no relationship that can not be lost if not cultivated.
start to see that person less often. Do not call her more every day, but only once a week. The messages are those that are at Easter and Christmas confenderanno among dozens identical. Just let the birthday a couple of sentences clinging to memories.
Fewer up to anything.
That person will disappear, as if it had never existed, and you regret, if you have awareness of it, when you think you used to throw them out one tenth of the time spent with her.