Sunday, October 17, 2010

Aching Pain Lower Left Abdomen

Platymeris bigutatus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum
: Artrhopoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hemiptera
Heteroptera Family: Reduviidae
Subfamily: Reduviinae
Genre: Platymeris
Species: Platymeris biguttata (Linne, 1767))

This species is widespread in eastern Africa.
reaches the adult stage in 4 / 5 months, going through 5 mute, after another 30 days also reached sexual maturity, the adult stage can live more than a year in which the female lays about a hundred eggs.

The larvae are about 4 mm at birth and are a bright red color, due dall'esoscheletro not yet dry, this will happen after any changes, but with the passing of the hours This takes on more and more its final color, the whole body is black except the femora that are colored yellow, the adult stage in front of the wings (not suitable for the flight) will have 2 white spots.

farming is feasible within display cases are tied together and to ensure good air circulation, do not require much space, and can live with, although there are frequent cases of cannibalism among samples of very different size.
The case can be fitted very easily as they do not tend to dig and move objects, a sand bed is essential to lay their eggs.
The case must be maintained at a high temperature medium (23/28 degrees) and do not require much moisture, it is recommended a weekly spray.

The eggs will be incubated at high temperature (28 degrees) with plenty of moisture, these parameters will hatch in about 30 days at a rate of almost 90%

This species is carnivorous, then we can use as a feed any prey alive, even larger than our specimen, belonging to the larvae that prey need not exceed half of their body.

Platymeris is not suitable for minors as a species are poisonous, capable of injecting venom with their beak or spray at a distance also 5 cm, even if the poison is not dangerous to humans.
John S. Edwards studied their venom.


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