Sunday, September 13, 2009

Riddik Contact Lenses

the table Yasmina

In Sicily eleventh century, dominated by the Normans, Omar Ibn Khalid was arrested for high treason and sentenced to death. In an attempt to save his sister Yasmina you Shahrzad News, and like the heroine of the "Thousand and One Nights," King Roger I seduces with his stories and even more with its cuisine: cannoli, granita cedar, ratatouille of eggplant, couscous with fish ... This book, written by a famous French detective novel writer (though the Sicilian of adoption) and a Sicilian who moved to Rome, he reveals the secrets of the ancient culinary traditions Palermo, rich fragrances and sun of Sicily and Arabia. Stories and recipes, notes Andrea Camilleri in the Introduction, "are closely intertwined, blend in, blend, cooked in boiling of the imagination, the wit, of pure invention, and then seasoned with a delightful writing that has something hot and spicy. "

Maruzza Loria, Palermo transplanted to Rome, where he has lived since 1982, and journalist, working as press officer for the show and translates from French. Maintains a strong bond with his homeland and its traditions, especially food.


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